[Olive, 2010-04-02] party friday

Hawaiian Luau Party (April 2, 2010), Feitz, Guilin, China
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Hawaiian Luau Party (April 2, 2010), Feitz, Guilin, China
Romain and the Hawaiian beauties

Hawaiian Luau Party on Friday, April 2, 2010 at le Feitz'.

[Olive, 2010-03-26] party friday concert

Guitar vs Percussion live concert (March 26, 2010), Feitz, Guilin, China
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Live concert Guitar vs Percussion  on Friday, March 26, 2010 at le Feitz'.
  • Live music (Olive vs Romain&Michelle)
  • Beer deal (before 10, buy 12 beers get 6 more free)

[Olive, 2010-03-19] party friday

Vampire Night (March 19, 2010), Feitz, Guilin, China
(Click to enlarge)
Vampire Night on Friday, March 19 at le Feitz', Guilin, China!
  • Live music (Chuchi + Olive)
  • Beer deal (before 10, buy 12 beers get 6 more free)

[Olive, 2010-03-02] party friday

Le Feitz Big Re-Opening (March 5, 2010), Feitz, Guilin, China
(Click to enlarge)
Le Feitz Big Re-Opening (March 5, 2010), Feitz, Guilin, China
The concert

Le Feitz Irish Pub Grand Re-Opening (after an ambitious top-to-bottom renovation), Friday March 5, 2010!

[Olive, 2010-01-15] birthday

Melissa's birthday party at le Feitz, Guilin, China on Friday January 15, 2010. We just needed a cake :

Melissa's Birthday Party (Jan. 15, 2010)

[Olive, 2010-01-08] party friday concert dance

Girls hip-hop dance crew "Break the Ice", Guitar/Conga live music and free cocktail on Friday January 8, 2010 at le Feitz, Guilin, China.

Cocktail, Dance & Music Party (Jan. 8, 2010)

Le Feitz Irish Pub, 1-8 Feitz Rd, University Residence, Guilin, China (翡翠酒吧,桂林市翡翠路大学生公寓城1-8号)
Reservations: 13737734082

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