The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China
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The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China
Clare and her band at the Feitz

Big artistic night Friday, May 14, 2010 at le Feitz Guilin, China.

  • 21:30 Clare and the Harry Potters live
  • 22:30 Guilin Youth Dance Company sexy dance show

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

The Harry Potters live at le Feitz (May 14, 2010) Guilin, China

Le Feitz Irish Pub, 1-8 Feitz Rd, University Residence, Guilin, China (翡翠酒吧,桂林市翡翠路大学生公寓城1-8号)
Reservations: 13737734082

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