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Pretty girl (2010/04/23 05:06:02)
I'm in a desperate need of a DnB party. Le Feitz... Help!!!!!!
Lily (2010/04/21 21:31:54)
Non non. I never forget,just was busy with other parties.This Friday is Diego's birthday,he'll celebrate it at Feitz,of course I'll come also. Have fun Le Feitz!!!
Olive (2010/04/18 13:01:18)
@DJ Giñho, Ah tu nous manques...
@Lee, merci!
@Wendy, thank you!
@Lily, haha, you forgot we have party every Friday? We are planning a Safari Night... don't miss it if you want pictures of you on the rhinoceros.
Lily (2010/04/17 01:32:01)
What a pity!!! I didn't join with you all on Country music party.I wanna ride a horse as you do... and had no new picture of mine:-((((.Oliver,why didn't you tell me about this special thing???
Wendy (2010/04/16 18:57:24)
Wa, your web is so cool! ~rich and colorful...
Lee (2010/04/11 04:00:01)
Happy birthday to Olive. Je vous remercie de me donner du bon temps.
Dj Giñho (2010/04/04 18:58:51)
Salut le Feitz!
J'espère que tout se passe à Guilin. Grosse bize de Nouméa.
En passant, ce serait cool d'avoir quelques photos. ^^
Kevin (2010/03/30 22:58:23)
Go Josie!! Way to kick some ass in poker! I see Romain got on the winning train as well..
Olive (2010/03/08 12:11:21)
Merci les gars! Les photos ne devraient pas tarder.
Krän (2010/03/07 00:41:50)
+1 for seb, we wanna pics!!
Adrien (2010/03/06 08:01:40)
Bon anniversaire Mr. Bob et longue vie à toi et au Feitz, biz!
Seb (2010/03/05 18:32:57)
Happy birthday Olive!!!
Seb (2010/03/02 17:15:52)
We want some pictures of the NEW Feitz !!!
The Feitz is dead, long live the Feitz !!!!!
Kisses to everyone in China.
Dj Giñho (2010/03/02 13:26:06)
Feitz', wish you the best for the grang RE-OPENING.;))
Keivn (2010/02/28 00:41:51)
Back home in the States.. It was soo hard to leave Guilin.. Ask Michelle for pics and video from my last daysin Feitz. Miss you guys!!
oliver (2010/02/24 12:19:01)
i protest against the last victory in poker of olivier.......we play real poker not luky stile poker , anyway its just me ...ha ha . congatulation for the victory....
Le Feitz (2010/02/23 14:48:51)
Kevin is back, haha!
Hi John, welcome to the bar. Tonight (Tuesday 23), poker tournament at 7pm.
The address: Le Feitz Irish Pub, Normal University Residence (翡翠酒吧,桂林市翡翠路大学生公寓城1-8号 )
John (2010/02/21 16:24:11)
Hello, I`m an Irish guy in Guilin. I might call in to say hi. Happy new year to all!
Le Feitz (2010/02/17 13:00:11)
Everyone is waiting for you Kevin!
Kevin (2010/02/14 08:30:44)
Greetings from Vietnam!! Happy New Year, xin nian kuai le, chuc mung nam moi! Miss you guys! Be ready for Feb 19-21st!!
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